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This Disclaimer is addressed to you whether you access this site for yourself or for somebody else. You must agree to the terms and conditions set forth below for your own behalf and for all others, on whose behalf you access the website and acquire information about Taliti Funds SICAV p.l.c. ("the Company").

Taliti Funds SICAV p.l.c. was incorporated in 2011 as a collective investment scheme organised as a multi-fund company with variable share capital under the laws of the Republic of Malta and is licensed by the Malta Financial Services Authority under the Investment Services Act (Chapter 370 of the Laws of Malta) as a Professional Investor Fund targeting Qualifying Investors. The Company consists of separate segregated classes of shares constituting individual sub-funds (the “Taliti Funds”)

No Warranty 


Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information herein, but it may be based on outdated figures or subject to errors.

No Offer or Solicitation

The information contained and referenced on this website should not be regarded as an offer, nor the provision of any form of advice or solicitation or recommendation for any investments, investment funds or products in any jurisdiction where such activity is unlawful. Any investment should be based on the full details of the relevant Offering Memorandum issued by the Company and you are strongly advised to seek professional advice.
This website is not directed at you, if we are prohibited by any law of any jurisdiction from making the information on this site available to you and is not intended for any use which would be contrary to local law or regulation.
No action has been taken to permit the distribution of the Taliti Funds in any jurisdiction where action would be required for such purpose.

No Retail

The Taliti Funds offered are classified as Professional Investor Funds according to the rules in Malta. The Taliti Funds are not available for investment by the general public but are only available for investors satisfying the eligibility criteria set out in the Offering Memorandum and the Application Form. No broker, dealer, salesman or other person has been authorised by the Company, its Directors, or any of the appointed functionaries to issue any advertisement or to give any information or to make any representations in connection with the offering or sale of shares (the “Shares”) in the Taliti Funds other than those contained on this website and in the documents referred to herein and / or authorized by the Directors. In connection with any offer hereby made, and if given or made, such information or representations must not be relied upon as having been authorised by the Company, its Directors, or any of the appointed functionaries.

By accepting this Disclaimer, you agree to indemnify, defend and otherwise hold harmless the Company, its officers, employees, agents, subsidiaries, affiliates and other partners from any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or exemplary damages resulting from:

  1. Your use of this Website
  2. Your breach of the Disclaimer, policies or documents they incorporates by reference, or Your violation of any law, rules or regulation
  3. Any other matter relating to this Website. Any business transactions which may arise between the Users/Members from their use of this Website are the sole responsibility of the Users/Members involved.
In order to proceed and access more information you must confirm that you have read, fully understood and accept the terms as defined above by clicking the “AGREE” button below.
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Legal Information

Please read this page, as it explains certain restrictions imposed by law on the distribution of this information. It is your responsibility to be aware of and to observe all applicable laws and regulations of any relevant jurisdiction. The following pages do not constitute an offer or solicitation to sell shares in any of the funds referred to on this site, by anyone in any jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or distribution would be unlawful or in which the person making such an offer or solicitation is not qualified to do so or to anyone to whom it is unlawful to make such an offer or solicitation.

Specifically, the funds described are not available for distribution to or investment by US investors. The shares will not be registered under the US Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act") and, except in a transaction which does not violate the Securities Act or any other applicable US securities laws (including without limitation any applicable law of any of the States of the USA) may not be directly or indirectly offered or sold in the USA or any of its territories or possessions or areas subject to its jurisdiction or to or for the benefit of a US Person.

Applications to invest in any fund referred to on this site must only be made on the basis of the offer document relating to the specific investment (e.g. Prospectus, Simplified Prospectus or other applicable terms and conditions). Copies of the prospectus, the Simplified Prospectus, the latest annual report as well as interim report and the articles of incorporation are available upon request.

As a result of money laundering regulations, additional documentation for identification purposes may be required when you make your investment. Details are contained in the relevant Prospectus, Simplified Prospectus or other constitutional document.

The information contained on this site is subject to copyright with all rights reserved. It must not be reproduced, copied or redistributed in whole or in part.

The information contained on this site is published in good faith but no representation or warranty, expressed or implied, is made by TALITI Funds SICAV plc or by any person as to its accuracy or completeness and it should not be relied on as such. No information on this site constitutes investment, tax, legal or any other advice.

TALITI Funds SICAV plc shall have no liability for any loss or damage arising out of the use or reliance on the information provided including without limitation, any loss of profit or any other damage, direct or consequential.

Past performance is no guarantee of future performance.

The value of investments and the income from them may go down as well as up and are not guaranteed.

You may not get back the amount you invested.

Rates of exchange may cause the value of the investments to go up or down.

Fluctuation may be particularly marked in the case of a higher volatility fund and the value of an investment may fall suddenly and substantially.

For your protection, telephone calls are usually recorded. TALITI Funds SICAV plc shall have no liability for any data transmission errors such as data loss or damage or alteration of any kind, including, but not limited to, any direct, indirect or consequential damage, arising out of the use of the services provided herein.

If you are in doubt about the meaning of any information provided please consult your financial or other professional adviser.